The Sacramento Grid Sacramento

Sacramento Now A ‘Sanctuary City’ for Trannies.

Sacremento Archives The city council of Sacramento has voted to designate the city as a sanctuary for transgenders, marking the first time in California that such a move has been made in California. The resolution was initially proposed by former councilwoman Katie Valenzuela, who stated that California has been a leader in protecting the rights of transgender individuals but other states are moving in the opposite direction. The proposal specifically addressed states seeking to protect children from dangerous medical experiments and chemical treatments known as 'gender-affirming care'. However, some Sacramento residents have voiced opposition to the measure.

Sacramento Now A ‘Sanctuary City’ for Trannies.

Được phát hành : 2 tháng trước qua trong

The city council of Sacramento has voted to designate the city as a ‘sanctuary’ for transgenders, in what is understood to be the first move of its kind in California.

The resolution was initially proposed by former councilwoman Katie Valenzuela. “California has been a leader in protecting the rights of transgender individuals to access care, but many states across the nation are moving in the opposite direction,” Valenzuela said in the proposal. “In preparation of future legislation that may criminalize those providing or seeking gender-affirming care and given the Council’s stated values of equity and inclusion, it is important for the City of Sacramento to be proactive in reiterating our commitment to transgender rights and equal protections for transgender people.”

The proposal explicitly referred to states seeking to protect children from being subjected to the dangerous medical experiments and chemical treatments known by the euphemism ‘gender-affirming care.’

A number of Sacramento residents have voiced their opposition to the measure. “If we’re so progressive in Sacramento, why are we going against what all these European countries are doing,” said Sacramento resident Beth Bourne. “This does not make sense.”

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